Full Name

Espy Campbell Barr

Date of Birth

July 4, 1963

Place of Birth

San José, Costa Rica


Spouse’s Name

Not available

Known Affiliates Names

Affiliated Organizations’ Names

Major Events

Brief Biography

Espy Campbell Barr, born on July 4, 1963, in San José, Costa Rica, is a Costa Rican politician and economist. She is a founding member of the Citizens’ Action Party (CAP) and has run for President of Costa Rica in 2010 and 2014 under the CAP banner. On May 8, 2018, Campbell Barr became the Vice President of Costa Rica when her running mate, Carlos Alvarado Quesada, won the presidential election. She served as the Vice President until May 8, 2022. Campbell Barr also served as the Minister of Foreign Affairs for Costa Rica from May 8, 2018, to December 11, 2018. She has a long and distinguished record of political service, publication, and social activism for the rights of women and people of African descent in Costa Rica[2][3][4].

Citations: [1] https://www.everand.com/book/292648544/Quince-Duncan-Writing-Afro-Costa-Rican-and-Caribbean-Identity [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epsy_Campbell_Barr [3] https://www.blackpast.org/global-african-history/epsy-campbell-barr-1963/ [4] https://www.bnamericas.com/en/news/moderate-candidate-wins-costa-rica-presidency