Full Name

Suzanne Bélair, also known as Sanité Bélair

Date of Birth


Date of Death

October 5, 1802

Place of Birth

Verrettes, Haiti

Place of Death


Spouse’s Name

Charles Bélair

Known Affiliates Names

Affiliated Organizations’ Names


Sanité Bélair is considered a hero of the Haitian Revolution. She was featured on the ten-gourd banknote of the Haitian gourde for the “Bicentennial of Haiti” in 2004, making her the second woman ever to be depicted on a Haitian banknote[1][3][5]. She is also recognized for her significant role in the fight for emancipation and is an important figure in the female liberation movement[7].


  1. Wikipedia - Sanité Bélair
  2. British Museum - Sanité Bélair
  3. L’union Suite - Sanité Bélair, The Tigress of Haiti
  4. Sandrine Berges - A woman in the Haitian Revolution: Sanité Belair
  5. NYU - The Sanité Bélair Women’s Empowerment Series with Theresa Sophia
  6. Liberated Souls - Sanité Bélair: “Long live freedom! Down with slavery!”
  7. So Am I Books - SANITE BELAIR

Citations: [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanit%C3%A9_B%C3%A9lair [2] https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/term/BIOG183823 [3] https://www.lunionsuite.com/black-history-highlight-sanite-belair-tigress-haiti/ [4] http://www.sandrineberges.com/liberty-in-thy-name/a-woman-in-the-haitian-revolution-sanite-belair [5] https://as.nyu.edu/research-centers/clacs/events/spring-2017/the-sanite-belair-women-s-empowerment-series-with-theresa-sophia.html [6] https://liberatedsouls.org/home-page/sanite-belair-long-live-freedom-down-with-slavery/ [7] https://www.soamibooks.com/post/sanite-belair