Full Name

Hassan Dafalla

Known Affiliates Names

Government of Sudan

Affiliated Organizations’ Names

Government of Sudan

Hassan Dafalla was a Sudanese civil servant who played a significant role in the forced emigration of the Sudanese Nubian population[3]. He served as the District Commissioner of Wadi Halfa from 1957 to 1963, a critical period during which the resettlement of the Nubian village to the east of the country took place[5]. Dafalla was placed by his government in charge of this unique and historic operation[2].

In addition to his bureaucratic assignment, Dafalla felt the importance of the events he was witnessing and participating in, leading him to conduct a sort of anthropological study. This study was later published as “The Nubian Exodus” in 1975[5]. His work is considered an important ethnographic record for the place and time[5].

Despite the lack of detailed personal information available about Hassan Dafalla, his contributions to the Nubian Exodus and his role as a civil servant in the Sudanese government are well-documented and significant.