Full Name

Gordon Parks (born Gordon Roger Alexander Buchanan Parks)[1]

Date of Birth

November 30, 1912[1][2]

Date of Death

March 7, 2006[1][2]

Place of Birth

Fort Scott, Kansas, United States[1][2]

Spouse’s Name

  • Not available

Children’s Names

Known Affiliates Names

Affiliated Organizations’ Names


Gordon Parks was an American photographer, filmmaker, musician, and writer who became the first African American photographer to work for Life and Vogue magazines[1][4]. He was known for his documentary photojournalism of the 1940s and his work as a filmmaker, directing films such as “Shaft” (1971)[2]. Parks’ work often addressed social issues, race relations, and the African American experience[3]. His legacy is celebrated through various institutions, including the Gordon Parks Foundation, which permanently preserves his work and makes it available to the public through exhibitions, books, and electronic media[5].

Citations: [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon_Parks [2] https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0662953/ [3] https://www.nga.gov/learn/teachers/lessons-activities/uncovering-america/parks-photography.html [4] https://www.artnet.com/artists/gordon-parks/ [5] https://www.gordonparksfoundation.org